President Nominee Training Seminar

Preparing for President Nominee Training


The purpose of the Presidents-Nominee Training Seminar is to develop club presidents who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to lead an effective club.

Presidents-Nominees are encouraged to read the Club President's Manual and other materials before training so that they will arrive at PETS prepared to discuss their duties and goals for the coming year. Discussion questions from PETS have been provided so that presidents-elect will be able to reflect on their responses before training. The Rotary International website has several useful documents for download. It is highly recommended that club President-Nominees review all documents prior to PETS.

Rotary Acronyms

PE - President Elect: Person who will be Club President starting July 1, 2025

PN - President Nominee: Person who will be the Club President starting July 1, 2026

DG - District Governor: Current District Governor

DGE - District Governor Elect: Person to be District Governor July 1, 2025

DGN - District Governor Nominee: Person to be District Governor July 1, 2026

PDG - Past District Governor

AG - Assistant Governor

RIP - Rotary International President

RIPE - Rotary International President Elect

PRIP - Past Rotary International President

RIVP - Rotary Vice President

PRIVP - Past Rotary International Vice President

TRFT - The Rotary Foundation Trustee

Dress Code:

At PETS we represent Rotary and should project a professional image. Meeting rooms are often cool, so consider layers to keep comfortable.

Daily sessions are "Rotary Casual."

Friday dinner meetings are a step up to "Business attire" and more "dressy."